Steve Balbierz Wins Community Hero Award From Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance

Wood Rodgers has been participating in the Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance Golf tournament for 20+ years. This year, not only did out foursome place first, but Steve Balbierz was awarded their Community Hero Award! He was awarded for being a strong ambassador for their mission and inspiring others to do the same.

We asked Steve (center in the photo above) a about the award and this is what he had to say!

“First of all, I was humbled and overwhelmed when they gave me the award at the golf tournament. Keaton’s Child Cancer Alliance  (originally named the Keaton Raphael Memorial) grabbed my heart at the first golf tournament I attended in 2000. They are an incredible organization with special people that have huge hearts and are committed to keep working until a cure is found.

I have played in and supported every tournament since 2000. (23 straight I think). Obviously, the kids who battle cancer inspire me the most. They’re the toughest kids I have ever known! All of the employees and volunteers of the organization are inspiring as well! They have a close relationships with every child and their families and it can really take its toll on a person. It’s absolutely gut wrenching and heart breaking when one of the kids lose their battle.

Personally, I am most proud of Wood Rodgers continued support for 23 years!

Really, the Community Hero Award should be given to Wood Rodgers.

I will keep playing mediocre golf and supporting the cause!”