Wood Rodgers Planning practice provides a wide breadth of planning and urban design services for Clients in both the private and public sectors. Our experience and capabilities range from the small urban infill site to large master planned communities and countywide master plans.
Our Planners understand the need to create lasting plans to guide growth and redevelopment within our communities. Our planning process is rooted in the understanding that public and stakeholder engagement is the foundation of a successful planning effort to ensure plan adoption and implementation.
Wood Rodgers partnered with Douglas County planning staff to complete the Douglas County 2020 Master Plan Update. The primary scope of work included reorganization of a master planning effort that was started in 2016, consolidation of goals and policies, and creating a plan that was easy for the public to understand and rich with graphical content. The scope of work also included innovative public outreach given the COVID pandemic restrictions. In a very short time frame our team provided the final plan, including public outreach, within a 5-month period. Our Team assisted with a joint planning commission and board of county commission workshop virtually, developed a community wide survey, and assisted with virtual presentations, as well as reservation only workshops. The initial work on the plan included an extensive goals and policy audit that ultimately lead to a complete overhaul of the goals and policies for the County.
Wood Rodgers led the planning and design of this 3,900-unit development on 980-acres located along the western side of the newly constructed Veterans Parkway in Southeast Reno. The project included developing a Planning Unit Development Handbook that addressed a master plan under the new Reimagine Reno land use designations to include a mix of residential densities to promote housing options for the “missing middle”, as well as designing a town center surrounded by higher density. Wood Rodgers worked with the developers to design a community built around an extensive shared use path network connecting residential villages to open space, recreation opportunities, schools, and the town center/community gathering space. The Planned Unit Development also includes wetland mitigation, the restoration of Thomas Creek, and the creation of additional flood pool storage for the region.
Wood Rodgers was retained by the Washoe County Department of Regional Parks and Open Space (Parks) to develop a parks master plan for the unincorporated areas of Washoe County. The master plan was predicated by a desire to streamline the County’s numerous parks districts, and to develop implementation strategies. The plan involved a large data collection effort including demographic data, development patterns, and a countywide park’s facility needs assessment. Wood Rodgers completed a comprehensive existing facilities and trailhead inventory utilizing smart phone data collection and photographic cataloguing tool developed in-house. The report included an analysis of staffing levels, as well as how budget cuts have impacted current and future services to determine implementation strategies. Strategies focused on opportunities specific to each planning area, utilizing existing and new legislation to establish long-term funding solutions, and the potential to collapse several park sub-districts to allow for more flexible spending of available residential construction tax (RCT) money.
Rancharrah, a 140-acre ranch in the thriving suburban area of south Reno, holds historical significance as the former residence of Bill Harrah, founder of Harrah’s Hotel/Casino. Wood Rodgers undertook the development of a master plan, envisioning a mixed-use community that harmonizes with the surrounding neighborhoods. Preserving the ranch's core as a special events and equestrian center was paramount. The residential aspect encompasses a diverse mix, including custom and semi-custom homes, condos, and assisted living complexes. The commercial facet, aptly named The Village, spans 16.6-acres and boasts over 125,000 square feet of office, retail, restaurant, spa, medical, and financial institution spaces.
Wood Rodgers provided a full range of planning and engineering services for this 577-acre, mixed-use community located at the crossroads of Interstate 5 and State Route 99 in the City of Sacramento. Northlake is one of the most innovative efforts in the region to integrate traditional neighborhood design principles with transit-oriented development. At buildout, the project can accommodate development of approximately 3,500 residential units with a variety of housing types to support all market segments. One of the community’s central features is its planned light rail transit station, which is centrally-located alongside a mix of retail, office, and housing to support transit ridership.
Wood Rodgers was responsible for the land planning and design services for the 1,678-acre, 5,375 dwelling units Fiddyment Farms project located within the West Roseville Specific Plan (originally approved in 2004). This currently developing residential community includes a mix of lot sizes and product types, commercial uses, and an extensive park and open space program designed to preserve significant stands of native oaks, creek corridors and wetlands. Wood Rodgers’ efforts include the processing of a number of Specific Plan Amendments in response to changing market conditions. Wood Rodgers was also responsible for processing the Tentative Subdivision Maps for the Fiddyment Ranch portion of the specific plan.
Wood Rodgers provided comprehensive civil engineering, land planning, and surveying and mapping services for this 3,800-acre master planned community. The development consists of 11,600 residential units, 520-acres of commercial development and 1,400-acres of public and quasi-public land uses. Wood Rodgers prepared the engineering master plans for infrastructure to serve the development area as well as improvements to existing facilities including transportation (roadways, transit, bike ways and pedestrian trails), sanitary sewer, water supply, storm water/drainage and water quality. Current efforts include preparation of mass grading and improvement plans along with large and small lot final maps.