Browns Valley Roadway Improvement and Bridge Replacement Project

Wood Rodgers was at the ribbon cutting event that was hosted by Caltrans for the Browns Valley Roadway Improvement and Bridge Replacement Project. Wood Rodgers was excited to see all of the hard work and the wonderful collaboration with Caltrans District 3 staff for the completion of this project that we are so proud of!

Image with speakers and participants in the Ribbon Cutting Event for Browns Valley Project
Ribbon Cutting Event for Browns Valley Project

Wood Rodgers completed both the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PA&ED) and Plans, Specification, and Estimate (PS&E) design phases for the widening and realignment of 4.5 miles of State Route 20 in Yuba County between Marysville Road to the Yuba River Bridge (PM 13.3/R17.8).

This State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) project featured:

  • A new Dry Creek Bridge.
  • Horizontal and vertical realignment to improve stopping sight distances.
  • Widening of Route 20 to provide standard 8 ft shoulder
  • Upgrading all existing Metal Beam Guard Railing to Midwest Guard Rails
  • Drainage extensions and new drainage facilities
  • Removal all existing utilities within the Clear Recovery Zone, and highway lighting.

Wood Rodgers also got to demonstrate our flexibility and ability to adapt to project changes during the PA&ED phase, by incorporating additional improvements without any impacts to the project schedule or significant budget impacts. This was also largely due to the collaboration with the amazing staff at Caltrans and Yuba County.

The additional improvements include two way left turn lanes, right turn lanes, truck climbing lanes, local road improvements.

Photo of Browns Valley Roadway Improvement
Browns Valley Roadway Improvement and Bridge Replacement Project

Image of the new Dry Creek Bridge
Dry Creek Bridge

Image of the wildlife undercrossing
Browns Valley Wildlife Undercrossing

Wood Rodgers is proud to be a part of this project in improving roadways and safety in our region.

“Our continued partnership with Caltrans has allowed us to be a part of some amazing projects. The SR 20 Browns Valley project is another example of that. Thanks to Caltrans for your continued trust in the wood Rodgers team.”, stated Mark Rayback.