This year, we are thrilled to announce the promotion of six employees to the Associate level. Additionally, we have introduced a new tier, Senior Associate, and we are proud to share that fifteen employees have been promoted in this inaugural group of Senior Associates. We are incredibly excited to recognize these individuals for their dedication and hard work. Join us in celebrating their well-deserved accomplishments!

1. Craig Hensley | Senior Proposal Specialist |Sacramento
2. Rebecca Plant, PE | Project Engineer |Pleasanton
3. Hanalei Pruter | Assistant Controller | Orange
4. Jason Roberts | Marketing Manager | Roseville
5. Lorenzo Sanchez | Senior CAD Supervisor | Las Vegas
6. Alan Wong, PE | Project Engineer | Sacramento

Senior Associates
1. Tim Chamberlain | Principal Planner | Sacramento
2. Eddie Gosse, ME | Principal Engineer |Sacramento
3. Stacie Huggins | Principal Planner | Reno
4. Anthony Johnson, PE, SE | Principal Engineer |Roseville
5. Vance Jones | Principal Planner | Roseville
6. Shane Lynch, PE | Principal Engineer |Sacramento
7. Mike Nowlan, PE, CFM | Principal Engineer |Sacramento
8. Harvey Oslick, PE, CFM, CPSWQ, Env SP |Principal Engineer | Roseville
9. Megan Overton, PE, LEED | Principal Engineer |Reno
10. Paul Petrowsky, PE | Director of Design Technology | Sacramento
11. Jason Reed, PE | Principal Engineer | Roseville
12. Steven Robinson, PE, TE | Principal Engineer |Roseville
13. Mickey Smith, PE, GE | Principal Engineer |Reno
14. Sean Spaeth, PG, PHG | Principal Hydrogeologist| Roseville
15. Sheng Tan, GISP | Director of GIS | Sacramento